In-Person Large Group Private(10-20 people)

In-Person Large Group Private(10-20 people)


What better way to build your practice than with a friend. Book a group private to tailor a yoga sequence specific to your group needs. Progress your practice with an accountability partner or partner(s). Group session includes 1-hour of yoga and 15-minute complimentary kindness meditation. This is perfect for bachelorette parties, spa days, birthdays, and more. Sessions can be done socially distance in an outdoor space or in your home with the instructor wearing a mask.

Local to LA residents only—please contact Bree if you are outside of LA county

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Waiver and Purchase Agreement

By purchasing this product you are agreeing to follow our social distancing and safety protocols.

Although strict measures are being taken by DoYogaWithBree, to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (such as social distancing, staggered classes, mask, following all Los Angles County protocols etc), the undersigned acknowledges that attending classes at DoYogaWithBree could result in COVID-19 infection. Accordingly, in addition to all waivers and limits on liability already agreed to by the parties and because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the undersigned, HEREBY WAIVES AND RELEASES, indemnifies, holds harmless and forever discharges DoYogaWithBree and its members, agents, employees, officers, directors, contractors, affiliates, successors and assigns, of and from any and all claims, demands, debts, prosecutions, expenses, causes of action, lawsuits, damages and liabilities, of every kind and nature, whether known or unknown, in law or equity, that I ever had or may have, arising from or in any way related to participation in any of the events or activities conducted by, on the premises of, or for the benefit of, DoYogaWithBree, provided that this waiver of liability does not apply to any acts of gross negligence, or intentional, willful or wanton misconduct, further, it is acknowledged that operation during the pandemic does not fall into these categories.

I also understand that the activities that I will participate in may be considered inherently dangerous and may cause serious or grievous injuries, including bodily injury, COVID-19 infection, loss of/damage to personal property and/or death. On behalf of myself, my heirs, assigns and next of kin, I waive all related claims for damages, injuries and death sustained to me or my property that I may have against DoYogaWithBree.

By this Waiver, I assume any risk, and take full responsibility and waive any claims of personal injury, COVID-19 infection, death or damage to personal property associated with DoYogaWithBree, including but not limited to receiving yoga training at the facility, using the facility and its equipment in any manner, form or fashion, and practicing and/or engaging in yoga activities or other related activities on and off the premises.

I have read, understand and fully agree to the terms of this Agreement. I understand and confirm that by signing the Agreement I have given up considerable future legal rights. I have signed this Agreement freely, voluntarily, under no duress or threat of duress, without inducement, promise or guarantee being communicated to me. My purchase is proof of my intention to execute a complete and unconditional WAIVER AND RELEASE of all liability to the full extent of the law. I am 18 years of age or older and mentally competent to enter into this waiver.